Medium Royal Orange Round Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 4


Medium Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Mixed Triangle Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Petal Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Mint Green Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Mint Green Triangle Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Red Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mint Green Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Mixed Petal Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Mixed Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Pale Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Sky Blue Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Faint Green Triangle Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Small Mixed Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 6


Medium Mixed Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 4


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Pale Brown Square Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Mixed Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Pale Brown Half Moon Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mixed Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Medium Yellow Triangle Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Mixed Surfboard Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mixed Surfboard Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Light Yellow Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Sea Green Barrel Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Pale Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mixed Teardrop Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 4


Large Mint Green Triangle Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Sky Blue Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mixed Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Earth Brown Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Faint Green Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Sky Blue Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Earth Brown Bar Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Faint Green Petal Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Medium Sea Green Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Mixed Teardrop Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 4


Large Sea Green Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Medium Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3


Large Royal Orange Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 2


Large Earth Brown Mixed Treasure Mountain Turquoise, Set of 3

Treasure Mountain turquoise is sourced near Qingu, Hubei, and is famous for its mesmerizing variety of beautiful body colors and distinctive matrix patterns. Treasure Mountain turquoise has large, gorgeous webbings and vibrant pops of natural lime to forest greens, light to dark ocean blues, and luscious orange shades. Treasure Mountain stones can transform any jewelry design into remarkable and unique works of art.

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