How To Navigate Moose Website
Other than our Instagram account @turquoise_moose, which we had since 2017, what we truly have been working really passionately about is our website,, which was only recently launched back in mid-2020! We refreshed our website design again in 2021 with new improvements.
We wanted an easier way for our amazing customers to navigate through our turquoise cabochon collection while also providing relevant information. Most importantly, we wanted to have an easier way to be able to shop our collections with zero hassle as much as possible. Hence, the birth of our website.
Now, if you kind of feel lost in navigating our website, we got you!
Let’s start with the Home Page:

On the mobile version of our website, tap on the three lines on the upper right portion of the main page to expand.
As of writing, we have seven tabs available on the top part of the page: New In, Freeform Turquoise, Calibrated Gems, Turquoise Beads, Other Gems, and Shop Instagram.
Let’s break it down for each tab:
NEW IN - This is where you’re going to see our weekly fresh drops on the website! Make sure to always watch out for it and not miss our latest uploads. We announce our fresh drops in our email subscribers first, you can subscribe here to see new in first-hand.
FREEFORM TURQUOISE - Explore our collection from different mines, in different sizes, shapes, and colors! These are all-natural and backed cabochons for an easy bezel setting!
CALIBRATED GEMS - Got designs that are on-demand and you want uniform sizes? We made sure to have pieces that are cut to fit standard size gemstone jewelry mountings and settings. Choose from different mines and sizes.
TURQUOISE BEADS - Find different shapes and sizes of turquoise beads under this tab. In addition, our turquoise nuggets can also be found here.
OTHER GEMS - Other than turquoise cabochons, we list happy natural hand-cut opals, green serpentine, lapis lazuli, lucid, rosarita, spiny oyster, tiger eye, and tourmaline here.
SHOP INSTAGRAM - If you missed our Instagram Live Sale, don’t worry as we post them in this section of the website!
- When shopping, please take note of the title of the product listing. For example, this one is titled 3. Small Half Moon Sand Hill, Set of 2, which means only the one marked 3 in the photo is available to be purchased.
At the bottom part of the website, you will find different tabs containing different turquoise mine information, artist features, and our community. All other information (such as custom orders) can also be found there.
Lastly, let’s discuss browsing easily through our website with filters!
Each tab for our collections has corresponding filters. If you are looking for a particular turquoise mine, shape, color, size, you can find all that with just a few taps!

For example, you want to find Faint Blue, Sand Hill, in the half-moon shape. Simply set your filters to Faint Blue, Sand Hill, and half-moon, then you will find these! Easy as 1, 2, 3, isn’t it?
Feel free to comment or message us should you have any questions! Also, we announce some of the best value add of our products and community in our emails. So make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.
Happy creating,
Team Moose
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I really love the vibe of the website. It really compliments the range of products you sell.
I am so glad I found you through instagram! I am a goldsmith from the Netherlands and I want to purchase from distributors who buys directly from the cutters/mines. I support the ethical way of sourcing products for my customers for a fair price for everyone.
Thank you for doing business this way 🙏