Rising Creators: It's time to access authentic material now 💚

Work with high quality Turquoise verified by Moose

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Verification status required 
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What to love about materials verified by Moose?

Scintillant, San Francisco

"Your AMAZING selection of natural turquoise"

- Tess D. 


Brookline Arts Center

"I love the quality of stones and quick shipment"

- Jenn T.


The Crucible

"Personal touches, knowledge of product, beautiful pieces"

- Kristin I.


Valdosa State University

"I adore the knowledge behind where the turquoise is mined from"

- Kelsie G.


Jessica Coté

"The cut of the stones is great"

- Breean G.


Rhode Island College, Barbara Kennedy

"I love how quickly Moose responds, and the quality of her stones are always top notch! 
People who see them always compliment them, so her stones a great resource to have on hand for when I sit down to plan a custom piece with someone. 
Also pricing is super fair and shipping is quick!"

- Michelle M.


Boston Museum School of Fine Arts

"Super quick shipping"

- Kim D.
