Discover Three Unique and Elegant Jewelry Pieces

Hey, Moose fam! We've been blown away by the beautiful jewelry pieces you've created and shared with us! Each piece of jewelry has its own unique story, and we're constantly inspired by your creativity and amazing talent.


Made with Moose Designs | Turquoise Moose

This week, we're thrilled to feature three amazing pieces by incredible jewelry artists!

First up, these gorgeous cuffs by @lupine.lizey are truly one-of-a-kind. The intricate details and exquisite design make these cuffs so dreamy.


Turquoise cuffs by @lupine.lizey on Instagram
Turquoise cuffs by @lupine.lizey on Instagram with Turquoise Moose cabs


by @lupine.lizey on Instagram


Check out our collection of oval shaped cabochons to create your own unique designs!


Next, these elegant Sonoran Gold turquoise earrings by @rockfiresilver are a work of art. We are obsessed with the delicate design and attention to detail - truly a timeless piece of jewelry!
Sonoran Gold turquoise earrings by @rockfiresilver on Instagram


Sonoran Gold turquoise earrings by @rockfiresilver on Instagram made with Turquoise Moose cabs


Sonoran Gold turquoise earrings by @rockfiresilver on Instagram


Feeling inspired to create your next piece? Take a look at our Sonoran Gold turquoise beauties here.



Last but certainly not least, this beautiful ring by @danahoffwireddesign is a true masterpiece. The unique design has got us swooning. Did we mention how much we love double-stone turquoise rings? Truly a statement piece!


Double stone turquoise ring by @danahoffwireddesign on Instagram


Double stone turquoise ring by @danahoffwireddesign on Instagram with Turquoise Moose cabs


Double-stone turquoise ring by @danahoffwireddesign on Instagram


Create your next round shape and oval shape cabs! Take a look at round shaped cabs here and oval shaped cabs here.



We love seeing your Made with Moose creations, so please keep tagging us in your Instagram stories, posts, and Reels! Thank you for continuing to inspire us and this amazing community with your incredible talent and creativity. 💚


Create happiness!  


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