1. Small Square Royston - 112224


1. Small Square Royston - 112224


4. Large Freeform Royston - 082724


2. Medium Freeform Royston - 082724


4. Medium Triangle Royston - 073024


3. Medium Shield Royston - 073024


2. Medium Triangle Royston - 073024


1. Medium Shield Royston - 073024


5. Medium Teardrop Royston - 072124


4. Medium Teardrop Royston - 072124


2. Small Triangle Royston - 072124


1. Small Triangle Royston - 072124


5. Medium Hexagon Royston - 071924


4. Medium Triangle Royston - 071424


3. Medium Teardrop Royston - 071424


2. Medium Petal Royston - 071424


4. Medium Freeform Royston - 062824


2. Medium Bar Royston - 052424


1. Medium Half Moon Royston - 052124


4. Medium Freeform Royston - 042324


2. Small Freeform Royston - 042324


4. Large Triangle Royston - 041224


3. Large Triangle Royston - 041224


3. Small Freeform Royston - 041224


2. Small Freeform Royston - 041224

Mined from Nevada, the Royston Turquoise mine is the oldest patented mine in Nevada. Royston Turquoise Cabochons have a heavy matrix ranging from dark brown to gold in color and is a centerpiece in any piece of jewelry.

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Browse Moose Collection

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