Moose Spotlight: Jewelry with Heart: Margeve's Artistic Journey

"Lean in to your own process & try new things, you never know what you’re capable of until you try!"

- Margeve, @gevgems


Meet Margeve, a talented silversmith hailing from the picturesque Pacific Northwest (Oregon & Washington). With two years of experience in the craft, Margeve creates stunning pieces that hold not only beauty but also heartfelt memories, inspired by her late father's stained glass artistry.


Jewelry Artist Margeve of @gevgems on Instagram


@gevgems on Instagram


Margeve's artistic journey was ignited by a cherished glass pendant she made with her father, a stained glass artist, during her younger days. Though her father has been gone for 19 years, the memories woven into that pendant continue to inspire her. "I am inspired to create jewelry for others to love & become heirlooms for future generations," Margeve shares.


Being self-taught comes with its challenges, but Margeve has embraced them as valuable lessons. "You kind of have to figure some things out for yourself," she admits. "With the challenges, come so many valuable lessons. I learned the most from my mistakes at the bench. They are just as important to your growth as when things go right."


The journey of Margeve's jewelry-making business began with an unexpected encounter. While wearing a ring she had just crafted, a waitress at a restaurant admired it repeatedly and inquired if she had plans to sell jewelry. Inspired by the encounter, Margeve left the ring as a tip and soon set up her Etsy shop, selling her first ring online within a week.


Gev Gems, Margeve's jewelry business name, carries a touching tribute to her family. "Gev" is derived from a part of her name, while "Gems" reflects her love for the stones she works with. The name also honors her late father, who named her Margeve, a combination of her two grandmothers' names, Margaret and Evelyn. For Margeve, Gev Gems embodies her story and the cherished memories of her loved ones.


Throughout the last two years, every moment for Margeve has been an AHA moment. "Becoming a silversmith is the AHA for me," she reveals. "I feel like I have found my why. Each piece I make gives me so much satisfaction, and being able to create with intention has brought a lot of meaning to my life."


Let's take a look at some of her beautiful creations!


Turquoise Necklace by Margeve of @gemgems on Instagram


Turquoise Ring by Margeve of @gemgems on Instagram



Margeve's design process begins with her passion for stones. Choosing the stones first, she then sketches and brainstorms ideas to bring out the stone's natural beauty. This organic approach allows her creativity to flourish, often leading to delightful surprises as pieces take shape at the bench.


Comfort, durability, and heirloom potential are the hallmarks of Margeve's jewelry designs. Her goal is to create jewelry that people can wear every day, with a focus on accentuating the natural beauty of the stones she adores.


Here are a few more amazing pieces by Margeve!


Genuine Turquoise Ring by Margeve of @gemgems on Instagram


Genuine Turquoise Necklace by Margeve of @gemgems on Instagram


Genuine Turquoise Jewelry Creations by Margeve of @gemgems on Instagram



What's one design tip you one to share with your fellow artists?

"I’ve found that my best pieces are created at the bench when I slow down, silence the inner critic, get into a flow state & most importantly have some fun. When I can stop myself from worrying about how a piece will turn out & just create the process is a lot more enjoyable."


One piece of technical advice on creating.

"It all starts with a well made bezel. Each step of the process is built upon the previous step. Try to slow down & focus on the step in the process you are at. Mistakes happen when we are rushing the process or impatient & wanting to get to the final result."


Any words of encouragement or tips to those who are starting out in the world of jewelry-making?

"Try to remember that, “Comparison is the thief of joy” this is so true, especially when it comes to creating jewelry. I’ve spent too much time in my own head comparing my jewelry to others. We are all unique & are on our own individual journeys. Lean in to your own process & try new things, you never know what you’re capable of until you try!"


Lastly, here's her message to the universe: 


Margeve of @gevgems Blog Feature by Turquoise Moose



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