Moose Spotlight: One-of-a-kind Nature-Inspired Handmade Jewelry
Jewelry is like an extension of oneself. We are so glad to be sharing the journey of different talented artists who have been creating unique jewelry pieces.

Meet jewelry artist Halei Salydards from Cheyenne, Wyoming. She has been creating jewelry for 10 years now, and she is also seen on Instagram as @polemountaindesigns.
“I’ve always been really into creating,” Halei shared when we asked her what inspired her to create jewelry. She said she has been crafting with anything she could get her hands on since she was small. For a while, she was into crocheting. It was all she wanted to do until she saw people wire-wrapping around crystals.
Since then, that’s what made Halei want to crochet around cabochons with very tiny thread. She recalled doing it for a while until she started incorporating metalwork into it as she began learning. She has now shifted entirely to metalsmithing.
When Halei was just starting out working with metal, she shared how she really struggled with piercing. She practiced and practiced even though she despised it. Now, her saw is her favorite tool.
Amazing, right? :)
It’s always fascinating to us to know if there are any significant meanings or background stories behind the brand names of the artists.
For Halei, she said that her grandma was always her biggest supporter when she was starting out. She was there every step rooting for Halei and making sure she had proper safety equipment. Now that she has passed, Halei said she’s lucky enough to be able to raise her family and grow her business in her grandma’s home on Pole Mountain Road.
Hence, the brand name. When Halei’s in her studio, she thinks about all of the memories and how proud her grandma would be of har she has come.
Someone own’s style can represent a lot about their style, uniqueness, and creativity.
Halei recalled having her first big AHA! moment was with the very first pendant she has ever made. It was a crazy lace agate cabochon with a crochet border like a cameo. Halei said she finished it and decided she could never stop!
Take a look at some of her gorgeous jewelry pieces!
by Halei Salyards of @polemountaindesigns on Instagram
When Halei has an idea of where she’s going, she sketches it out and plans it. Most often though, she simply chooses a stone, starts with the bezel, and goes wherever it takes her.
Her design style is mostly big, bold, and nature-inspired!
Here are a couple more jewelry pieces by Halei:
When we asked if she had a tip for her fellow jewelry artists, she said she’s not sure if it’s a tip as it doesn’t always work out, but Halei likes experimenting with each new piece and sees what new elements she can learn to incorporate.
To those who are just starting out in the jewelry world, Halei said to be proud of each piece every step of the way. She added, “Admire others but don’t let it get you down in where you are with your skills. It’s taken me I think longer than others to figure out what I’m doing but it’s a great feeling to look back at a piece I was so proud of and laugh because of how much my skills have advanced.”
Finally, a message to the universe:
Follow her work on Instagram:
Check out her website: